New Website Coming Soon!
If you can't find the details you need, please get in touch by telephone on 01223 420669 or by email.
The Phoenix Trust (Milton) Ltd, which we abbreviate to just Phoenix, is a vibrant charity, founded in 2006 and situated on the outskirts of Cambridge, in Milton. We make a range of paving and garden accessories on site from both wood and concrete. Although we are small, we pride ourselves on making a big difference to the lives of people with learning disabilities or complex needs, through the provision of a meaningful experience of work and the development of social and life skills.
We are open to the public Monday – Friday
8:30am to 3.30pm (apart from bank holidays)
Please come and visit us.
Call 01223 420669 or email us for more information, or to place an order.
We are both a charity and a social enterprise, making a wide variety of products on site to sell to the public. Phoenix co-workers have the opportunity to work in three departments:
Factory - producing concrete slabs and garden ornaments.
Woodshed - making a variety of items ranging from picnic tables and garden benches, arbors and mud kitchens, to bird boxes, planters, trellises in all shapes and sizes and bespoke items made to order.
Kitchen - providing a daily two-course lunch for team. The kitchen team have also recently started a cake baking venture making delicious homemade cakes for collection from our site. Have a look here
Our mission is to work towards a society where the contribution of everyone is respected and valued and our supported placements greatly improve the confidence, quality of life and self-fulfilment of our co-workers, whilst showing the general public and wider community what can be achieved within an inclusive culture and empowering environment.
Please support our work by:
Telling your family and friends about us
Better still, why not come pay us a visit - a warm welcome awaits!
We are a little bit tucked away so even in the days of sat nav, some old-fashioned directions may help.
If you are approaching Milton from A14 West/East or Cambridge City, take the Milton turn-off at the roundabout, then:
proceed towards the village
at the Tesco roundabout, turn right
at the Dulux paint shop, turn right (if you end up at Milton Country Park, you have gone too far!)
follow the road round, one bend to the left and then straight on along a bumpy road
come through the double metal gates at the very end.
You are also very welcome to call in via the gate through to Milton Country Park